Gable Insurance Group
Life Insurance With Living BenefitsWhat Are Living Benefits?
For many years, life insurance was purchased to provide death benefit protection for surviving family members. However, life insurance did not help when an insured person was struck down by a debilitating chronic, critical, or terminal illness.
Living benefits offer you the ability to access a portion of your life insurance death benefit if you were to suffer a qualifying illness and need to replace immediate income.
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Importance Of Living Benefits

Terminal Illness

Critical Illness

chronic Illness
How Do You Qualify For
Living Benefits?

Terminal Illness

Critical Illness
- Heart Attack
- Stroke
- Invasive Cancer
- End-Stage Renal Failure
- Major Organ Transplant
- Blindness
- Paralysis
- Arterial Aneurysms
- Central Nervous System Tumors
- Major Multi-System Trauma (Major injury to three or more organs or systems)
- Severe Disease of Any Organ (resulting in significantly altered life expectancy)
- Severe Central Nervous System Disease (Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, Multiple Sclerosis, Encephalitis with long-term effects)
- Major Burns (>40% BSA, 3rd Degree)
- Loss of Limbs

chronic Illness
Looking for Life Insurance?
What would happen to your family if you were to die prematurely? Would they be able to maintain their current lifestyle?
Would your kids be able to go to college? Would your spouse be able to shoulder the load with one income?
If you have a child, are married, or you are carrying any kind of debt, purchasing life insurance is a no-brainer.
If all three, well, hopefully you already have life insurance. Here are a few other reasons to have life insurance though:
- charitable donations
- pay federal death and estate taxes
- create an inheritance for your heirs
- pay final expenses
We make buying life insurance easy.
We have access to a wide range of life insurance companies so we can survey the marketplace and based on your individual rating criteria, find the best possible life insurance policy at the best price.
When purchasing life insurance there are a few things to consider. Do you want Term Life Insurance, or Whole Life?
If you don’t understand the difference that’s okay. That’s what we’re here for.
Life insurance is based on two main variables — your age, and your health.
How much life insurance do I need?
One of the benefits of working with an independent agent like us is that we can sit down, and through a comprehensive needs analysis, determine the exact amount of coverage you will need to protect the people who depend on you.
The amount of coverage you need depends on a number of different variables. Here are a few examples:
- how many children you have
- your future earnings potential
- whether or not you’re married
- spouses future earnings potential
- you and your spouses age
- amount of debt you have
Ready to purchase Life Insurance?
Reach out to Gable Insurance Group to learn about your options
for Life Insurance with Living Benefits